Saturday, May 8

surfs up dude.

Hey guys, have you heard of roof turf before ? :)
Its really , pretty cool.

The environmental benefits of turf and green roof are widely recognised, while roof gardens and roof terraces provide much-needed outdoor space in urban areas.

Due to the high degree of insulation that they provide, green roofs are known for their ability to provide an extremely constant temperature throughout the year. During the winter they keep the heat in, and in the summer they provide a relatively cool environment. Green roofs also have the ability to soften harsh edges of buildings in sensitive environments, making them blend in with the surrounding area.

Turf and green roofs provide habitat for insects and other wildlife. Where new buildings are built on greenfield sites, this new habitat can replace the habitat that would otherwise have been lost.

The roof: Basically consisting of these elements

Awesome right ?
A really good idea in regulating the temperature in the building.
Imagine the amount of heat it would take away?
Maybe we wont even need air conditioning!

Theres also high rise buildings with this sort of concept.
Well sort of, some even have vegetable gardens on it :P

go green

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