Sunday, August 16

right here right now

Hey peeppsss, Hows it going.
This week sure flew by for me
There was the charity carnival, which Taylors had
which probably helped with that.
I had a great time with the Tuesday Gang.
As always :)
Mucho loves.

My trials are approaching manzz!
Im very freaked out, but also reluctant to get my ass on a move
and start drilling my almost non- existant brain D:
But i must 'pull up my socks' and start nerding.

You know, sometimes i think i wouldnt mind being a teen in the 80's.

1.Great Music .
2.Simpler times.
3.Less Crime and Pollution shit
Yeah, i wouldnt mind man.

I'd hate to see what the world i've known
all along degrading into a who knows what.
I really prefer when things dont change.
But the only thing that doesnt change is change.
I mean , with the progressing technology and all,
like, people are going to find ways, to mess with nature.

I really dont like the idea of flying cars, Robots and cyborgs , people
being able to live forever, no more trees around.
Thats just not the world i'd like to live in.
I think i would preerably like to die before that time comes.

Things im afraid of / Fear :

1. Bugs like cockroaches , grasshoppers, spiders.
Goosebumps !

2. Sometimes, depending on what i am thinking of, im afraid of the dark.
( Which reminds me of a program that used to be on . 'Are you afraid of the dark')

3. Scary movies.
Cannot tank . I wont be able to sleep peacefully D:

Yes i am afraid of dying.
I dont like the fact that im not sure what happens
to me after and how i will be .Its complicated.
But we all have our own reasons?

5.Being alone.
I shall not eleborate on this one .

6.Being diagnosed with a sickness or disease.
Sometimes i think about it. Health is important.
Especially now, when the food we eat in life can determine
the basis of our bodys strength and if we are prone to diseases.
Plus , with all the mumbo jumbo they put in processed food and stuff.
Yeah, we should be cautious.But at the same time, we should also enjoy :)

I think thats all in present time.
I tag roger olivia and su yin.
What are you guys most afraid of? or fearful of?

Kay, Signing off now, Ciaos

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