Sunday, March 8


Heya, yesterday, i went for the model hunt at taylors.
Along with Sam Ong, Sha, and her classmates
They're really cool :D

It was really tiring!
We had to walk for them and introduce ourselves.
I had to do this photo shoot thing also and
it was DAMN awkward.
I was really stiff and clueless xD

But i was chosen as one of the the top 14 finalists :O!
Probably cause of my height :P
Anyways, on the final day
were supposed to dress up in
'Modern Arabic' themed clothings o.o
what the toot :( ?
The winners will be determined by judges and votes 50 -50
Man o.o really intimidating.
Haha, hopefully i do Ok xD!
Alrighty toodless!

Yummay? :P

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