Tuesday, March 24

Earth Hour

Howdy ya'll , im sure youve heard about
this Earth Hour thing going on.
If not then, you're supposed to
turn off as many lights and minimize the use of electricity
between 8.30 to 9.30 at night.
And i know some people just couldn't give a shit.
But come on, its not much!
If everyone is doing it imagine
all the energy we'd be saving in one night !

Come on people! Your light switch is your vote!
The World's First Global Election Between Earth and Global Warming!

Some of you might be like ' What the Hell am i going to do for 1 hour in the bloody dark'
Well ! You can stay home and truly appreciate what we've got, just imagine a life time
without all your Computer la, Lights la, Air cond la, and more :)

Or you cann i dunno? Make love in the dark :P ! Haha.
I think the best thing is to go out for a walk with your buddies
or famillia and look at the stars :) Too corny?

With this post! I hope i have convinced some of you to
do what you can for the earth.
Just think, if global warming continues at the rate its going
We might walk out one day and turn in to molten sludge in 5 minutes !
I wouldn't want that for me nor my kids or grand kids .


On March 28 you can VOTE EARTH by switching off your lights for one hour.
Or you can vote global warming by leaving your lights on

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